Aim to have fun

What's new

We are pleased to announce our 2024/2025 season! Are you as excited as we are to get back to BBB Archery?

BBB members can participate in the Indoor MailMatch that runs from January to March each year! Find all the information on our Competitions page.

BBB Executive Board
President - Sarah W
VP - Lisa H
Secretary - Tracey H
Treasurer - Wendy H
Web & Social - Shannon B
Past President - Deb C

Read all the past news on our News page.

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The BBB executive has met and we are excited to announce that there will be a 2024/2025 shooting season for BBB.

The shoot time remains the same at 7 to 9 PM on the following Fridays:

The Bows, Broads & Bullseyes Archery Club shoots every second Friday from 7 PM - 9 PM during our shooting season (October to April/May). If you are renting equipment from Heights, please be sure to come a little early, to arrange your equipment and so that you are ready to start at 7 PM. Heights has extended the arrangement with us that those who require rental equipment do so at a cost of $5 plus tax (recurve or compound) for our club nights only.

Each evening will begin with practice time. And, then, as they say, "Let the games begin!"

Members Fees & signup form

We are please to offer a low-cost annual membership fee, with full and half membership options to women 18 years or older. Members can also split their payment so the cost isn't all up-front. And for those who join us later in the season, we will pro-rate your fees.

2024 - 2025
Membership Level
Annual Cost
Full Member 1 $75
Half Member 1 $45
Trial Member 2, 3, 4 $0
Past Member 4, 5 $10 per shoot

Membership fees are club fees only (including costs of targets, range fees, etc.). For those members without their own equipment, Heights has extended the offer of $5.00 per shoot (plus taxes) to rent your equipment from them (compound or recurve).

1 Each member must also hold a valid Archery Manitoba membership - Archery Manitoba memberships ($10 per year for recreational archers - higher for competetive archers) are valid from January 1 to December 31 each year and cannot be prorated. Please register with Archery Manitoba membership on their website.

2 For Trial members only, first-timers can shoot with us once before having to pay for your membership. Unless you already have a valid Archery Manitoba membership, we will collect $5 for a temporary Archery Manitoba membership that the club will submit to them on your behalf.

3 To become a member after a trial shoot, we can prorate your membership based on the date of your first shoot. You will be required to hold an valid Archery Manitoba membership.

4 Temporary Archery Manitoba fees can be applied against the cost of the annual Archery Manitoba membership if you become a member at the end of your first shoot.

5 Past Members Drop-In fees are set at $10 per shoot and includes the cost of a temporary Archery Manitoba membership. This is a benefit to past members only who, for whatever reason, are not able to maintain a regular club membership any longer. Under this membership category, the archer has no voting rights or the option to sit on the Executive board. And, if you have a club shirt, please wear it when you Drop In!

For those who don’t already have an annual Archery Manitoba membership, you will need to get one to be a BBB member. Ladies who take lessons at Heights have an Archery Manitoba membership included in the cost of their lessons.

And for those members who are considering purchasing their own equipment, please remember that Heights has a lay-away plan. You purchase your equipment from them and pay it off over a short time. You leave the equipment with them until you have fully paid it off. You can use it everytime you are at Heights for our club nights or during other practice. Once it is paid for, you take it with you.

Save money on your Membership

We have three options for our members to save money towards their membership for next year - Executive Officer Credits, Volunteer Credits and Buddy Credits. All credits will be applied the season following the season earned.

Executive Credits - For those who sit on our Executive Board, they each earn a credit of $20 off your membership for the following season. In order to sit as a member of our Executive, you must be a shooting member of at least one year. Each Executive position is for a two-year period. Elections are held at each year's AGM - President and Treasurer one year, Vice President and Secretary, the next. Executive members usually attend two Executive meetings per season (although impromptu meetings may also be held as required).

Volunteer Credits - For those who volunteer at Competitions and other events as determined by the club's Executive, you will earn a credit of $10 off your membership for the following season.

Buddy Credits - For those who bring in new archers to our club, you will earn a credit of $5 off for new members that you bring in who pay for a half membership and $10 off for new members that you bring in who pay for a full membership towards your next season’s membership cost. (Buddy Credits may be prorate depending on the join date of the new buddy.)

Combined credits in excess of one's membership costs in any given season or credits not used in the following season will be forfeited.

Membership Form

Use the form below, or complete your information here.